Plastic cutlery is a great option for any foodservice location so customers can easily enjoy meals on the go. They also allow customers and staff to simply throw out cutlery after service to help reduce time spent cleaning. Cutlery kits can contain a combination of forks, knives, teaspoons, soup spoons, napkins, straws, and salt and pepper packets so customers have everything they need to enjoy their takeout order. Polystyrene and polypropylene plastic cutlery are available. But what are the differences between these two materials?
Polypropylene cutlery has a more bendable design compared to polystyrene cutlery and should be used with food items that are not thick or difficult to cut. Stylish, polypropylene cutlery also has a shiner surface.
Polystyrene cutlery is not as bendable as polypropylene cutlery and has a denser design. Ideal for cutting through tough foods like steak, polystyrene can be used to create sharp edges so users can cut through tough dishes with ease.
Shop DirectSourceProducts selection of gloves, paper rolls, guest checks, cutlery, straws, and children’s products to find the right supplies to suit your needs.